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What I Have Learned this Semester

I have learned a multitude off things this semester. Out of these things there were two main projects that stood out. These projects were; the analyzation of George Orwell's "Shooting an Elephant" and analyzing and making predictions of Jumpa Lahiri's "Namesake". In the first quarter we learned how to analyze feelings, literary terms and important parts of the story using "Shooting and Elephant". I think this was really important because it will be used a lot when we get older. Also analyzing an author's underlining meaning of his work will help us comprehend more of whats happening in the author's mind.

Another thing that I though was really important was reading Namesake and understanding the connections the author had with the characters. This unit taught me that Jumpa Lahiri has a lot of things in common with the main character, Gogol. By analyzing the similarities and differences we learn more about Lahiri's life and we understand Gogol more as well. Not only did this unit teach me more about analyzing it also taught me how to create my citations to perfection. We had to write an essay using three citations and use the method to perfection.

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