My Spring Break

This spring break was very eventful. I went to four countries; the Philippians, Bali, Cambodia and Thailand. Although the vacation wasn't very restful, it was relaxing in other ways like not worrying about schoolwork or not having to wake up at specific times everyday. In Bali I visited some family friends and went sight-seeing. One day we decided to drive four hours away to visit a dive sight where a US ship had sunk. The life in it was amazing, with fish the size of cars swimming and chasing each other. Then I traveled to Cambodia, the first day was spent in the city and at the night market. Most of our time there was spent by seeing century old temples with that had great carvings and spectacular sculptures. Once we got to Thailand we went to the snake farm and watched a snake show. We only had a short time in Thailand but it was very pleasant and was spent by mostly shopping.
The only thing that could've made my vacation was if we hadn't been rerouted to Guam. On our way home to Saipan, the airline switched our flight and sent us to Guam instead, where I spent tow hours in the airport and eventually boarded a tiny plane that constantly sounded like it was going to crash. The last two days were spent in Saipan moving into my new house.