Review of Four

I recently finished a book called Four. This book was the best book I had ever read. Four is a book that is based off of the Divergent series. It starts off with Tobia's father constantly undermining and beating him. However then he escapes by going to the Dauntless group and starts training very hard. He takes tests to learn about his fear, and quickly gains the nickname Four because he only has four fears. He then gains a job and meets Tris, a girl who he falls in love with. The story ends as the other "groups" try to destroy Abnegation, Four's former home.
It was written about Divergent from Tobia's point of view and therefore has many different points and ideas in the novel. The Divergent series are very unlike Four because although they still have the same problem Four is older than Tris and therefore learns about the society's issue with "divergent" people before her. He also has very different experiences, with many different people(that were never mentioned in Divergent), and because he has a very different personality as her has completely different views and opinions than you get in the Divergent series. Also most of the book is written before he even meets Tris, therefore Four is like a prequel to Divergent.